May 08, 2006

I've Got No Clue, I Guess

I'm attempting to set up my blog, but can't even get it to display the name or the theme. I captured the html of Munuviana to see if I could apply that to my "Main Index," but nothing I do to it seems to make a difference. I was going to post the actual code that I've modified from some generic setup but don't know how to preserve the text from being interpreted. I imagine that I can specify anything that's in the form <$somethingorother$>, but it's not clear to me exactly what I ought to do. What, for instance, do I place in <$MTBlogDescription$>? Just some description of my blog? I tried replacing the text inside and rebuilding, but it didn't actually do anything. No change on the blog. Is there a tutorial somewhere about exactly how to configure things? What's with all this generic <$YouCanPutAnythingYouLikeInHere$> nonsense? Can I just replace all of that with anything that's relevant to my blog? Oh yeah, my blog is Demosophia. No header yet, because I haven't a clue how to configure it.

I'd post the html, but don't know how to do it while preserving the text.

Posted by Demosophist at May 8, 2006 04:02 PM | TrackBack

Good design!
My homepage | Please visit

Posted by Wendy at May 9, 2006 01:13 AM

Great. One reply, and it's spam. ;)

The Movable Type manual is available here. Have a little look around and see if that answers the question. It does list all the options.

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 9, 2006 03:58 AM

Just to get you started in your reading of the Movable Type manual, it'll help to know that code that looks like this is what's called a tag.

What that format means, is that the code is going to pull a value from a setting or data within your weblog to fill in that space. So for example, the tag I just mentioned is going to pull the information that you entered in the box called Blog Description in the setup section of your Movable Type administration page.

Movable Type uses tags to insert all kinds of information into the page that will be displayed to the viewer. It's how your posts, your author name, the time, the date, all of that sort of data gets entered automatically.


Posted by Light & Dark at May 9, 2006 04:09 AM

Pixy and Paul:

Thanks. I noticed that w.bloggar has a neat new facility that allows one to edit and review templates (main and archive), but for some reason the facility doesn't work with my munuvia account. Do I need to set it up, or is it a matter of not having the correct permissions? Or perhaps it just doesn't work with this version of MT?

Posted by Demosophist at May 9, 2006 01:38 PM

I haven't used w.bloggar recently - I'll have to take a look.

Posted by Pixy Misa at May 9, 2006 03:56 PM

Yea, sorry, me neither, and I won't likely have time to check it out this week.

For the time being, you'd probably be better off working directly in Movable Type's admin interface so you can be certain you're not seeing legacy problems from the alternative access through w.bloggar.


Posted by Light & Dark at May 9, 2006 07:22 PM
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