I know there is furious scrambling (or anime watching) to fix the comments, but Trey Givens over at treygivens.mu.nu asked me to pass along a message to the shiny, happy peoples of Munuviana about his new favorite thing. (The guy has an ego, doesn't he?)
My new favorite thing is the way that my comments prevent me from entering my own name when posting a comment. I have to enter "ey Givens" and then go back to correct it. Otherwise, it tells me that the offensive words I have entered are "com Tr." Apparently, "com Tr" is a new pill for erectile dysfunction, low mortgage rates, and Asian hairless cats or something.
So, there you have it. Trey Givens would like us all to know that his new favorite thing is the his blog is blocking him from commenting. I'll bet he (and the rest of the world) would really love it if it blocked him from posting, but wishes aren't horses, although Christmas is a few short months away. You all know what to buy him.
Posted by Flibbertigibbet at June 1, 2006 01:20 PM | TrackBackThe whole com.tr domain got blocked. Unfortunately, the . matches any letter, so...
I've fixed it to com\.tr, which only matches com.tr.