June 15, 2006

Slightly Broken Blog

So is the "old" system still limping along in various states of brokenness, or is it just me? My blog still has issues when posting that sometimes the post doesn't actually make it to the main page until I rebuild all. And sometimes when I make a post, it goes to the main page, but the comments and permalink pages generate 404 errors until I rebuild all. Mostly this seems to be with posts that are posted with deferred, but I haven't been able to narrow it down just yet.

I'm excitied about the new system, but I'm going out on vacation for a couple weeks very soon and I hope to have deferred posting going on for that whole time I'm gone -- so I'd not want to switch over (unless I have to, I suppose) until after I get back...

Thanks again, Pixy!

Posted by Ogre at June 15, 2006 02:22 PM | TrackBack

It shouldn't do that, though I did get a glitch yesterday while posting comments. I'll take a look.

Posted by Pixy Misa at June 16, 2006 02:10 AM

Now I can see exactly what it's doing.

I write a post and mark it deferred. When the deferred magic machine processes the entry, it marks the entry as published, but it doesn't actually appear on the main page.

When someone makes a comment on a different post, the main index gets rebuilt, and the deferred post then shows up on the main page -- but there's still no individual page built for the deferred post.

The only way to get the deferred post to have an individual page is for me to manually rebuild the individual pages.

Posted by Ogre at June 16, 2006 07:59 PM

I'm having the same problem with deferred posting :-(

Posted by Gir at June 19, 2006 04:42 PM
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