Hello all! Long time no see!
trying to return to blogging, and went into Cpanel to start fixing things up and when I logged into File Manager what did I see:
"[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]"
and below it near the trash can:
Unable to change directory to /kei/home/nick/.trash! You do not seem to have access permissions! (System Error: Permission denied)
Sad! Did I break something?
Also, how much of a learning curve on Minx? I was considering Word Press instead of MT, but noticed Minx is rising into use. Can a neophyte pick it up pretty easy?
Posted by Nick Queen at June 22, 2006 08:56 PM | TrackBackI'm also getting that message in addition to all my uploaded files being AWOL.
Posted by CD at June 22, 2006 11:13 PMI uploaded a new picture both yesterday and today and the system can't find it.
Minx like the wind, Pixy! Minx like the wind!!!
Posted by Ted at June 22, 2006 11:22 PMNick, your CPanel should work now. Only about another hundred accounts to go...
Ted, did you upload with CPanel or MT?
Chris, your CPanel is fixed, but I'm not sure about your files; I may have to restore them from backup. Email me and let me know what the files are (directory names or whatever) and I'll get it sorted out.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 23, 2006 01:58 AMOh, and it's much easier to move from MT to Minx than to Wordpress. And Minx is better than Wordpress. Wordpress has fleas. Don't go Wordpress!!!
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 23, 2006 01:59 AMSo how or where do i sign up to become a test subject?
Posted by Nick Queen at June 23, 2006 02:50 AMThe test system will be up this Sunday.
You can use it in parallel with MT. Entries and comments posted in one show up in the other.
There's no need to sign up. I'll be posting instructions here, and people can move across in their own time, though I'm gradually going to stop supporting MT.
The only real work involved is creating the new templates for Minx, but I'll help out as much as I can with that.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 23, 2006 04:03 AMI also am not down with the CPanel love, it apparently can't find my contact email address either.
Nick, as an off topic note, It's great that you are getting back to blogging.
/S/ His Royal Majesty, the CURRENT King of the Blogs (and the longest reigning one too).
welcome home amigo.
Posted by GM Roper at June 23, 2006 10:27 PMSorry Chris. Yes, I got your email, and I think I've found the problem. Should get fixed today.
I'm still having the problem, a fatal error when I open up File Manager, and then on the side by the trash a message about not having correct permissions.
Posted by Oorgo at June 26, 2006 04:49 AMWell I can definitely get in there now, still alot of [error processing this directive]s on the main window, and I'm unable to change permissions on files.
Posted by Oorgo at June 26, 2006 03:25 PMHey Pixy, I'm having the Cpanel issues as everyone else.
Thanks for your help!
Posted by kyer at June 26, 2006 05:05 PMKyer - should be good now.
Oorgo - that's really weird. I've checked, and your account is set up properly.
Can you email me your password so that I can login as you and see for myself?