August 07, 2006

CPanel Woes

It's not a big deal, but I finally got around to logging on to CPanel, and when I tried to use the File Manager I got the following error message:

[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]

And I also got the following message under my trashcan:

Unable to change directory to /kei/home/demphist/.trash! You do not seem to have access permissions! (System Error: Permission denied)

When Jim first set up my account he gave me a plethora of usernames and urls, all of which looked sort of similar to those I generally use, but with slight variations. He eventually set up my blog url to the right spelling, but left my CPanel login name as one of the variants. That's OK, and I'm used to using it now, but I wonder if these misspellings are at the root of the File Manager error problem, somehow?

Posted by Demosophist at August 7, 2006 03:12 AM | TrackBack
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