With best wishes for many more successful journeys around the sun and pie. Lots of pie.
Happy birthday Pixy! I've got the double-layer cake.
i i i i i
Happiest of all birthday, you whippersnappery sweet young thing you!
Posted by LeeAnn at September 20, 2006 08:03 PMHappy Birthday Pixy!
And may I just add...Holy Shit LeeAnn! I miss you :-(
Posted by Gir at September 20, 2006 09:24 PMOOOOHHHH!!! Happy Birthday. As a special treat I won't sing.
Hope your day is or was (depending on how this time thing works) terrific!
Pixy, so you are a day shy of half my age. Well, here's hoping you eventually reach half again my age and what's more, I'll be there to welcome you.
Now, you munuvians, how old is Pixy, and how old am I? (no cheating, you have to figure it out on your own)
Oh, hell, Pixy is thirty, so, how old will I be when he reaches half again my age?
Happy Birthday to you!
Sappy Birthemay you too
no more's left in the bottle
And i fo'get th ressst!!!! (hic)
No no, not half, but fully two-thirds your age.
Happy birthday, Pixy! Sorry I missed it, but I was celebrating my daughter's sixteenth birthday yesterday.
And, as long as you are in Australia, you celebrate your birthday at the same time that my daughter celebrates hers -- even though they are on consecutive dates, there is some overlap, right?
Is anyone confused?
I mean, besides me?
Posted by Dave at September 22, 2006 01:20 PM