January 09, 2007

Back to Square One?

Okay, I know that I might not be 'on top' of everything in the MuNu Universe but I have to do something or else loose my mind.

What bothers poor Mikey? It's the highjacking of my blog e-mail account.

I find dozens upon dozens of notification messages from all over the globe that tell me that the message from [insert bogus name here]@madmikey.mu.nu cannot be delivered.

As I understand it - somewhere along the line in the last year some sort of 'bug' or 'virus' got into the MuNu server and created a back door into my e-mail and started spamming the planet. I figured the one way to stop it would be to delete the current blog e-mail 'system' and create a new one.

The question is: how do I do that? Or is this something that Pixy must do?

If it's the former, tell me what to do.

If it's the latter, Pixy please kill the current system and I'll start a new one up.....or would that not help either?

I'm hoping that there's a 'simplistic' answer to this problem - I love having e-mail from my blog and want it back!

Posted by Mad Mikey at January 9, 2007 10:03 PM

Mikey, it's very unlikely that what you're describing is being caused by a 'highjacking' of your email account.

What you're seeing is actually the result of a significant flaw in the email protocol which allows anyone to send an email which pretends to be from somebody else.

So a spammer simply finds a live domain - yours, in this case - and makes up any number of fake addresses at that domain. He then sends massive numbers of spam messages with all those fake madmikey.mu.nu addresses as the spoofed 'from:' address. When those messages go to undeliverable addresses, as most inevitably do, the bounce message comes back to you because the spammer made it look like you sent them originally, even though you didn't.

At this point, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop a spammer from spoofing your address like this. The one thing you can do is set up your blog email handler to quietly discard all messages that are addressed to non-existent addresses. I.E. unless the address is one you have set up in your blog email account, the mail handler will simply delete it before it ever gets to your Inbox.

That doesn't stop what's happening, just means you don't have to deal with each individual message.

If you'd like to set this up, just mention so here and I'll post step-by step instructions for how to disable the catch-all address and blackhole the spam in CPanel.


Posted by Light & Dark at January 10, 2007 07:42 AM

Paul is right. I don't know how widespread this is in general, but it's a huge problem for me with the pixymisa.com/pixymisa.net domains.

I'd explain how to do this, but I've just taken a couple of Panadeine Forte and my brain is mush.

Posted by Pixy Misa at January 11, 2007 12:22 AM

Where "this" is what Paul was talking about.

I said my brain was mush, right?

Posted by Pixy Misa at January 11, 2007 12:24 AM


YES indeed, I'd like to configure my e-mail to shitcan all this crap.

I cannot tell you how infuriating it is to have this crap happening; I loved having my own 'personal' e-mail system and this spamming crap makes me feel like King Midas after turning my kid into a golden statue.

Tell me how to do it.


P.S. - Death to Spammers!

Posted by Mad Mikey at January 11, 2007 09:22 PM

Mikey, sorry to have let this drop when you asked for help. I've done up a post explaining this problem and what to do about it, just in case you receive notification of this comment and are still looking for the solution.


Posted by Light & Dark at May 24, 2007 08:07 AM

Posted by Frank at May 28, 2010 07:08 AM