Today is National Pi Day... celebrating 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937
Personally, I prefer Hot Apple with a slice of sharp chedder. And try the Pi, the Pi is good too! :-)
Posted by GM Roper at March 15, 2007 02:07 AM | TrackBackMy wife is mean.
She sent me an e-mail from work yesterday:
Happy Pi Day.... (with a picture of the pi symbol)
and no, it's not
Happy PIE Day (with a picture of my favorite, pumpkin pie!)
Not only was it mean for her to tease me with a picture of a pie (me sitting here going, "Whoa dude! It's pie day! Maybe the wifey is surprising me with a pie after work!!
") and then she makes it into a math related "pie" day (I strongly dislike math). ...and then she didn't even explain what the hallibut she was talking about!
Oh well, we ended up going out for a slice of apple pie a la mode anyway, so I guess it's all good.
totally mean.