It's here! :D
The first bunch of beta testers for the site have been given their beta keys.
For the side, I'm going to do it slightly differently:
Every blogger, including co-bloggers, will automatically get an account at Your username and password will be the same as they are in MT2.6. (For any MT3 users who don't have an MT2.6 login, I'll need to give you a beta key so you can create yourself an account.)
Your test site will be your username, minus any spaces or punctuation, So mine will be
You can play around there to your hearts content. With the beta, the beta accounts are permanent; with the beta, we will transfer off the beta database to a new database as people become ready to migrate.
The accounts should be ready today or tomorrow; I'll post an update when it's good to go.
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 20, 2007 12:21 AM | TrackBackI am getting all excited now.
The day was not going well and then you supplied a little ray of sunshine....
Posted by Ozguru at March 20, 2007 02:46 AMAyup.
Whatever time Munuviana is currently on... GMT?
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 20, 2007 03:03 AMCan't wait... all I need is a little time (something that was in short supply today). But I'm ready!
How about us Wordpress heretics? Actually I think I remember my MT login, but I will need to try it out...
Posted by Nick Queen at March 20, 2007 06:46 PMOkay, at least that works.
If you have an MT login but can't remember it, I'll have to reset your password for you.
Posted by Pixy Misa at March 20, 2007 10:29 PMWell I am one of those annoying MT3 users but I thought I had an MT2 password. Obviously not (or I failed to record it the last time I changed it). Either way, could I arrange for a password rest or a key or a light saber / magic wand or whatever else is required?
Posted by Ozguru at March 20, 2007 11:35 PMI'm tingling all over!
Well, maybe not ALL over.
Posted by Rhymes With Right at March 21, 2007 02:45 AM