It seems I've not only been banned in China, I've also been banned here in the good ol' USA. Does anyone have any clues as to why or how? Believe me, the subject matter on my blog is far from controversial. That is, unless someone took offense to the country music I posted recently.
This is the message I get whenever I try to post a comment in
Your comment submission failed for the following reasons:
Your comment could not be submitted because the follwing text matched an entry in our spam filter:
You're really gonna hate this Michele.
You blacklisted yourself.
All fixed.
By the way, while I've got yer eyeballs... there's no point in adding IP address to the Blacklist, as it's not able to parse them - it was never designed to handle numerical IP addresses. Those you can ban in your own admin. interface, though usually it doesn't do much good.
Posted by Light & Dark at May 14, 2007 11:02 PMWhen you're removing spam with the spam filter thingy, it automatically offers up all links found in the comment to be banned. Spammers deliberately seed the comment with things you don't want banned just to be annoying.
And thanks again, Paul.
I suspected they might have done that because I thought I saw part of my domanin name. But I was deleting very quickly (to stay ahead of the spammer) without reading what popped up in the box. I'll know better next time.
Anywho, thanks to you both!
Posted by michele at May 15, 2007 04:25 AM