I have a number of readers that have issues with the MuNu spam filter. Last night someone tried to post a comment that contained the word "geocities" in a hyperlink. Others have problems with mundane words.
What can be done about this?
Posted by Old Cloots at May 31, 2007 12:18 PM | TrackBackIf there are particular words turning up in the spam filter that are causing annoyance - Paul or Pixy should be able to delete them from the Blacklist. Sadly they continue to be added because it's just too easy to do. I know I've done it without thinking about it because blacklist makes it too easy to add common words.
The other thing you can do is pray for the changeover to Minx... leading to the end of these blacklist problems.
Indeed -- if weird words get blacklisted, post here, and someone will get them. I just removed geocities, so that's okay to use now. Any others?
Posted by Ogre at May 31, 2007 11:54 PM