I just got an email from one of my readers. He doesn't have a blog, so when he posts a comment, his email is displayed. Turns out that some wanker grabbed his email addy from my comment section and emailed him asking for a link. He included my blog post with the comment as the place he found the email addy. You would think the moron might have figured out that someone with only an email address in that space, doesn't have a blog... but I digress. (I know I know it's spam... still it's annoying)
So, my question is, do we have some way in the version of MT we're using, to mask email addresses? I went looking, but if it's there, I'm missing it. I know it is done on other blog software, I just don't know if it can be done with this old version of MT.
Second question - will Minx mask email addresses for those who comment, but don't have a blog to link with their name when they comment?
Posted by Teresa at August 10, 2007 01:47 AM | TrackBackSecond question is easy: Yep. You can set up your templates to display email addresses if that whim strikes you, but by default they aren't displayed at all. Also, if you're a registered user you don't have to provide an email address. Also also, if you're a registered user, you have a blog.
First question: Yes, you can do it, but it's a template tweak and I don't have the exact tags handy.
Posted by Pixy Misa at August 10, 2007 11:12 AM