Midori - under construction now by our faithful team of builderbots - is a quad-core Xeon 3220 with 6GB of memory and a terabyte of disk. Midori will be taking over duties from Akane and Nabiki, which have been running mu.nu for the past year, and Kasumi, which quite frankly has been slacking.
(Kasumi was running the Minx beta and development environments, but then had a disk failure and I had to order another box (Kodachi) and move everything across. So since then it's only been running my blog...)
Then I'll be migrating mee.nu operations off Kodachi and onto Ukyo and Shampoo, and Kodachi will be reinstalled and come back as a second mu.nu server. And they'll all live in a virtual private rack with shared bandwidth, so we'll have 8TB a month to play with!
What this means to you:
Um, things will get faster.
And we'll have a few hours of downtime one Sunday in September while I move everything across.
And we shouldn't see any more of those situations where a spam flood brings the server to a halt.
Oh, and you get Minx too.
Posted by Pixy Misa at August 11, 2007 12:01 AM | TrackBack