This is GM Roper reporting: I am the author of GM's Corner and an erstwhile blogger who acknowledges that he is not too wise or knowledgeable when it comes to the management of his blog and html and css and all that mystical stuff that Pixy Misa is the acknowledged master of and my blogging hero! I do know that I don't know enough to make sure when I "blacklist" I don't blacklist the wrong thing so I don't blacklist anything. Having said that, I also acknowledge that there are those out there who know even less than I because they keep blacklisting open bracket stuff.
There, I've said my piece and I'll leave it to those who know what they ARE doing to correct it. Thanks!
It was "Mark" this time...I deleted it! Now we just have to figure out who he is so we can edumacate him....
Posted by Susie at August 25, 2007 05:39 PMAt least it wasn't me this time. I do understand how it happens, though. You get into a rhythm of clicking the blacklist link and then "do my bidding", especially if you have a pile to wade through. Eventually, you get the blank stare and go "crap!" just when it's too late.
Is there anyway to special deliver some groinal parasites to these comment spammers? Because I'd pay extra for overnight delivery.
Posted by physics geek at September 5, 2007 01:07 AM