A big welcome to Daniel Moore, our newest Munuvian!
Hi, my name is Daniel Moore. I am currently a third year graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Materials Science and Engineering. I work for Prof. Z. L. Wang, focusing currently on microscopy and the functionalization of nanostructures for use in nanoscale devices. Particular projects now include development of drug delivery systems, using nanobelts as bio-fluid sensors, study of polarized nanostructures, and development of novel nano-scale materials. Feel free to contact me about any of these subjects. Or anything else really.Now, all we need to do is think up a cool name for his blog! Currently it's DFMoore... the weblog... which while concise and to the point, perhaps could do with a little more... pizzaz.*
* I looked in the dictionary to see just how many Zs there are in pizazz. The answer appears to be How many do you want? with pizazz, pizzaz and pizzazz all listed as valid alternatives.
Posted by Pixy Misa at September 7, 2003 04:49 PM | TrackBackHurrah!
Posted by: Jennifer at September 7, 2003 06:11 PMWhile "Hurrah!" certainly has pizzazz, I'm not sure it's distinctive enough.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at September 7, 2003 06:15 PMHowzabout "DFMoore--no relation to Michael"
Or "DFMoore--I've got a lick of sense, thank you very much."
"DFMoore--we're still trying to figure out how Michael escaped from the basement"
I could sit here and make Michael Moore jokes all day.
Posted by: Victor at September 7, 2003 07:11 PMI don't know...I like "Hurrah" better than "Stranger in a Strange Land."
I like all the tag lines Victor, but they're more like mottos than titles.
Personally, I think that the 4 'z' pizzazz has the most... pizzazz.
How about... 'F' is my middle name
Posted by: Ted at September 8, 2003 02:02 AM