December 10, 2003

Playing Around

I've been playing around with PHP and skinning of a blog and I wanted to share what I had. Go Here to check it out. The 4 skins that I have are preliminary (there's an InstaRipoff) but the skinning is pretty neat, I think.

Posted by Daniel at December 10, 2003 07:54 PM

FYI: The first skin hung on me and I couldn't back out of it, I had to come all the back here. Im using IE 6.0

Posted by The Bartender at December 10, 2003 09:08 PM

You have to wait a little bit - that's the downside, the javascript makes them hang some...

Posted by Daniel at December 10, 2003 09:13 PM

I like the Hobbists one the best

Posted by Mookie at December 10, 2003 11:23 PM

What is this "PFP and skinning" of which ye speak?

I had no lagging/hanging probs, and I'm IE 6.0 too. Hmmm. I can't comment at Misha due to lag/freeze, but I have no such probs anywhere else. Misha told me that no one else has complained about this so it's probably me. So, I mean, what the huh? Who knows.

Posted by Tuning Spork at December 11, 2003 01:10 AM
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