December 11, 2003

Enter The Antipong

Let's see if this works.

Hmm. That's slightly odd. Let's try it on a different post...

Ah, yes. That's better!

Mr Bartender, you owe me a beer! :) Guess I'll need to set up BBBP (Blog to Blog Beer Protocol) on the server.

To explain: I've installed the Anti-Ponging Hack, so no MuNu blogs should suffer from pongs any more. It's still possible, of course, to pong someone else's blog; the only way to fix that is to increase the ping timeout from 30 seconds to something even longer. Or get them to install the Anti-Pong Hack too.

Posted by Pixy Misa at December 11, 2003 04:01 AM

Yay!!!!!! Pixy Misa is the bestest!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Susie at December 11, 2003 04:36 AM

And now Susie has been ponged again.


Posted by Pixy Misa at December 11, 2003 05:18 AM

Pixy is The King! Long live The King!!!

Is there a way to disable the pings after you save the first time and then edit and re-post? Someone told me to de-check the allow pings box, but doesn't that disable trackback pings and not disable sending pings? Just wondering is all. The MT documentation is not very clear on these things. Thanks for any help.

Posted by The Bartender at December 11, 2003 05:30 AM

always--every time--click 'previous pings sent' before you post. That's the only semi-effective way that I've found.

Maybe Tony's trackbacks scooted in under the wire...we'll just have to see...

Posted by Susie at December 11, 2003 05:44 AM

You don't want to de-check to allow pings box - you have it right, that's for incoming pings only.

If you have all the optional bits shown on your edit page, you'll see a list of pings MT wants to re-try. You can easily zap these.

Susie - I hope it works. I deliberately ponged you twice, and the results were mixed. We will see.

Posted by Pixy Misa at December 11, 2003 05:50 AM

Well, the ponging continues.... it KNEW it pingged this post, but went ahead and pinged it again.


Posted by Susie at December 11, 2003 06:11 AM

oh, and deleting the trackbacks from the trackback box does not stop ponging. The only way I got this post to leave Daniel and the Barkeep alone was to change their links from post links to blog links once I erased the trackback boxes....

Posted by Susie at December 11, 2003 06:14 AM
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