February 02, 2004

Hi Everybody...

I have a question (and a pounding headache...). Is anyone else having trouble getting around in here or with uploading pictures on the post page? About 24 hrs. or so ago, I could not get in to edit a post. I could get the list of posts, but clicking on them did nothing. I had to delete the whole thing and do it over with the edits done.
Now, I can't get pictures uploaded to post.
I've done every bit of maintenance and tweaking I can do here, even shut it down completely-several times-and I still can't get the pictures to come through.

Does anybody have any idea why?
I know Pixy's moving us and I've heard about the email thing but, is it that, or something else?
I am so frustrated right now, I'm not sure what to do next...Just bite the shit out of this computer or cry.....sigh.
So, I decided to ask first....

Posted by Stevie at February 2, 2004 12:41 PM | TrackBack
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