I have a question (and a pounding headache...). Is anyone else having trouble getting around in here or with uploading pictures on the post page? About 24 hrs. or so ago, I could not get in to edit a post. I could get the list of posts, but clicking on them did nothing. I had to delete the whole thing and do it over with the edits done.
Now, I can't get pictures uploaded to post.
I've done every bit of maintenance and tweaking I can do here, even shut it down completely-several times-and I still can't get the pictures to come through.
Does anybody have any idea why?
I know Pixy's moving us and I've heard about the email thing but, is it that, or something else?
I am so frustrated right now, I'm not sure what to do next...Just bite the shit out of this computer or cry.....sigh.
So, I decided to ask first....
Hi Stevie and Stevie.
Everything should be working - except maybe email.
Do you get any errors, or is it just a "nothing happens" problem?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 2, 2004 01:00 PMI just tried editing a post, and had no problems.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 2, 2004 01:01 PMStill not happening...
I got so damned mad earlier, I actually shut the computer completely off and went to bed.
Well, now I'm back and it still will not work.
Headache is back and chest is getting numb from repressed rage.
I do not understand what is wrong here.
Usually, when inanimate objects defy me for no known reason, I create a known reason...like say, a skillfully applied axe handle.
I am, as yet, resisting the urge...nay...COMPULSION to do that.
I just wanna post a picture.
Why had it become utterly impossible?
(God give me strength...here come the tears....siiiigh.)
If you email me the picture, I can load it onto the server for you.
But I can't work out why it's not working for you.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 3, 2004 01:01 AMThank you Sweetie...(Yeah, I've taken a few deep breaths...)
I've tried emailing the pic to myself. Figured I could get the html and post it that way, but that times out, too.
I remembered about 5 minutes ago, that Rich, the guy sending 'em to me, kept saying he needed to 'make them smaller' so they wouldn't take so long to come through on the dial-up. He decided that AFTER he'd sent the one I'm trying to post.
So, maybe that has something to do with it?
I dunno.
I'm gonna take a little break from this and make dinner and try to decide if the fact that I'm watching the movie "Billy Jack" is a good or a bad thing...lol.
If the picture is really big, then yeah, it could be timing out.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 3, 2004 01:53 AMOh. My. God.
It just hit me...when these things first finished laoding (when he sent 'em) and I clicked on 'open' the first thing thar showed was like the upper left corner on the photo and the frame in the shot was HUGE, then it 'blipped' and the normal looking photo showed up.
And, even after he said he was making them smaller, it happened a few more times....that must be it, then.
(Okay, so this isn't a bad experience after all, cause I'm learning stuff...cool.)
See, I didn't notice any difference in the size or quality after he said he had 'em coming smaller....I know nothing about that part. I'm sure Paul will get me up to spped, now, though...lol.
I hafta figure it out because I want so badly to get Andy up there....
(And, dinner is in the oven and Billy Jack just shot a guy in the forehead...lol)
IE automatically resizes images so that they fit on your screen - so you don't realise how big they are.
That's almost certainly the problem then.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 3, 2004 04:39 AMNow, I still don't know much about this stuff, for instance what the limit on size is, but I did find out this picture is 1.35MB's-whatever that means.
Paul is fixing it for me now....
I sent it to him thru YIM.
I was about to hafta DRAW Andy's picture on here...lol.
(Or carve it...)
1.35MB is a bit big.
About twenty or thirty times too big.