Whoooo Hoo!!!! Somebody needs to give Tuning Spork a medal, and make up an honorable mention for Stephen and the Emperor because, thanks to their efforts
Rachel Lucas is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Susie at May 6, 2004 10:26 PMAll I did was ask a snarky question. ALL of the credit goes to Spork.
Posted by Stephen Macklin at May 7, 2004 10:44 PMAll I did was answer a snarky question (and emailed a few bloggers asking for a few additional tributes)! It was Misha's post that Rachel noticed!
If I was Thomas Paine then the Emperor was Paul Revere and the blogosphere were the legion that gave the outpouring that let Rachel know how much we missed her! Would you believe me if I said I planned it?
What would be really cool, as I noted she said something about having to cull her archives because she was out of space, is to get her to just move to Munu to resume her nicer and gentler blogging effort.
Of course, I might just be snorting bad cheese, too. I am a mouse. I am not suppose to have good ideas.
Posted by Mr Mouse at May 8, 2004 04:15 AM