Yes... a petition. First of all, I've heard the phrase "petition the Lord with prayer", which is what I'm about to do, the Lord of Munuviana being Pixy. The second definition of 'petition' also appeals to me, because it means 'lots of people (at least kind of) agree', which is what I'm hoping for...
How many of y'all know him? Doesn't he kick ASS? He's a good guy, good writer, smart, funny, sweet... and I'd LOVE to see his URL end with "", instead of "".
I'd originally asked Pixy (*genuflecting*) about inviting Mikey to move here when Mike completed (successfully, I might add) all his finals a little bit ago. THEN, Mikey, the poor guy, hadda PAY for comments so he could have the 'un-truncated' version. THEN, he wound up in the hospital for a while, with massively high blood pressure and had his doc's waiting for him to stroke out for a while, there. (Finals must be a real bitch...) He's home now and seems okay, thank God. Now, however, I changed my Mozilla theme from (icky) 'classic' to (ultra-cool) walnut and mentioned so and he wants to know what the heck that means, which I realize has less to do with where your blog IS, than what browser yer using, but, hey... I'm just mentioning it, cause it might strenghten my case even a little... (Plus, Blogspot just isn't Munuviana. Know what I mean?)
My case is this: Mikey as a Munuvian.
So, with sweaty palms at the possibilty of utter silence in response, I'm asking for a show of hands, as it were. How many of y'all like the idea of bringing Mikey over?
I know Pixy (*making sign of the cross in front of myself this time*) is busier than a one-armed drummer ("Pour some sugar on meeeee"), but, I'm just gettin' a little antsy 'cause I'd like to see if this can be done before anything ELSE happens to the guy, ya know?
So, if ya already know Mike, can ya back me up here and if ya don't know him, go take a peek and back me up here, which you surely will want to do when ya see his place... and his face, cause, Lordy, is he gorgeous?
Tank-a you veddy much...
Um, don't know about the gorgeous bit, but I'll set him up this weekend.
Because I'm not dead anymore!! Yay!! The new computer system works and everyone is happy!!!!
(Me, I'm waiting for an explosion, but enjoying the calm while it lasts.)
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 2, 2004 05:38 AMOr rather - yes, he's welcome, and if he wants to join us, I'll get him set up. Rather than the other way around.
Meanwhile I'll start clearing my backlog. Susie, where did you put the flamethrower?
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 2, 2004 06:19 AMAargh. 5:30 Friday afternoon after a perfect week, and the managing director asks me why is the new system doing that. (Where that is definitely not what it should be doing.)
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 2, 2004 09:36 AMJust heard from Mikey.
He loves this!!!! Thank you again (and again) for doing this for him.
I'm explaining to him about you setting it up this weekend and all, but, what happens after that? Do you contact him? Do ya want him to get hold of you?
(I know it wasn't that long ago, but, for the life of me, I can't remember how things finished up when Paul got his blog setup. Musta been you guys got together somehow... I don't know.)
Anyway, Mikey's email is madmikey1 at hotmail dot com. I'll give him yours, too. Then, at least you'll both have the info.
This is so cool. Thank you again, so much, Pixy.
You are amazing.
Oh, by the "I'm-such-a-friggin'-blonde" way... It just occured to me about an hour ago what Ellis Island is for. Lord, I am a 'tard. lmao
Posted by Stevie at July 2, 2004 05:38 PMThat's okay - I haven't been around Ellis Island that much lately, so I might not have noticed.
Anyway, last night's explosion only made me late getting home rather than killing me, so I'm MuNuing this weekend.
(Looks at backlog of requests.)
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus.... Okay, I'll make a start on it at least.
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 3, 2004 12:28 AMThe flamethower was in the shop, dearest Pixy--the doohickey near the one thing was stuck to the whatchmacallit by the other thing with dried possum entrails or something; anyway, it's all tuned up and ready to go! I put it in the linen closet near the guest room so as not to frighten the children...
Posted by Susie at July 4, 2004 05:04 PM