Due to our formerly reliable hosting provider being taken over by a bunch of illiterate fucking monkeys whose idea of a good time is to wait until I've gone to bed and then reboot the server and to break something new and exciting each time*, we will be moving to our new server this weekend.**
There will be a little bit of downtime, but it should be rather less than we've had from any one of the recent monkey-related incidents.
Now I just have to work out how to do it... I actually have everything on the new server already, but Fantastico and your individual CPanel accounts aren't configured yet.
In the meantime, I now understand how Frank J feels. Goddam monkeys!
Update: The CPanel account transfer thingy seems to work, so that part is easy. Now I just have to configure Fantastico on the new box, and plan things so that downtime is minimised. I'll post an exact time for the move here shortly. During the move, posting and comments will be disabled, but your blogs will at least be readable.
Update: Fantastico is configured now! Yay! Now I just have to, um, do some work. ;)
* And adding to the joy this morning, some sort of network problem meant I couldn't even reach the server to fix it.
** The monkeys are our new hosting company are extremely laid back and if the server goes down they'll send me an email once they finish their banana. They wouldn't even think of getting out of their comfy chairs to screw up a server.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 28, 2004 01:08 AMCan I suggest we form a global coalition of the willing, where the computer literate amongst us get the necessary keys to get things going again should something similar happen in the future?
Now about that Paypal button...
Posted by Simon at October 28, 2004 01:18 AMThanks for all the work you are doing Pixy. You know if you want you could use my old blog as a message board in case mu.nu has anymore problems again.
Posted by Rachel Ann at October 28, 2004 05:57 AMI (heart) Pixy. In the future (if my domain EVER transfers -- stupid Registrar is out smoking or getting a coffee or something) feel free to use me.
Use me, baby.
I mean that in the most sisterly way. Of course.
Posted by Margi at October 28, 2004 09:09 AM*whispers* We love you Pixy.
*pats your arm a lot and looks earnest, hoping to ease your frustration, and walks away*
Posted by Helen at October 28, 2004 11:10 AMThere are more fools in the world than there are people. Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856)
Posted by buy contact lenses on line at November 24, 2004 05:51 AM