Everyone knows by now that TypePad and MT 3 offer comment registration using a service called TypeKey. While it's effective in blocking spam, it does leave you dependent on the TypeKey server, and not everyone wants that.
One of the neat plugins I'm installing is something called TinyOrwell, which is a standalone TypeKey-compatible authentication server. So I'll be able to set up a MuNuKey service: Register once to be registered across all MuNu blogs (or at least all those that use MuNuKey).
We'll also have MT Blacklist, and not one but two ways of blocking comments to old posts.
Now I'm just waiting for Brad Choate's site to come back. Curiously enough, it's hosted at the same company as our new server.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 8, 2004 05:45 AMThat sounds super spiffy. How difficult is it going to be to take type II templates over to III?
Posted by Jim at November 8, 2004 04:08 PMJust curious for a sec - what ever happened to Minx?
Posted by Daniel at November 8, 2004 07:18 PMMinx has this little scaling problem - beyond a hundred or so blogs it just fell down dead. I would need to rewrite it with a different database to fix that, and I haven't had the time.
Well, I haven't had a single spam comment in a couple of weeks. Just wanna thank you for whatever it was you've done so far!
I still get a 404 error for USURP and for the munu forum. I was hoping to find some chatters on election night, but couldn't get there. Wassup wit dat?
Posted by Tuning Spork at November 9, 2004 03:11 AMUSURP I'm fixing right now.
Munu forum, though, should be working... Yeah, munu forums are fine.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 9, 2004 01:45 PM