Okay, I think I've finished installing plugins for MT 3.
Here's what we have:
Plugins we already had on MT 2
NotifierOh, and MovableJive, just because. ;)
Koala Rainbow (this looks really cool; can't wait to play with it)
Conversation Killer (an auto comment-closer)
Bits and Pieces (create your own template tags!)
Markdown & Smartypants
Enclosures (a tool for managing images, sound and video)
W3CValidator (validates your web pages automatically)
DateTags (and MoreDateTags)
CheckLinks (warns you of broken links)
Collect (does... stuff)
Columnize (easy two-columning)
One of the neat new features in MT3 is a listing of installed plugins, and most of them even have links to the documentation! Not that anyone will ever read it, but it's nice to know it's there.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 9, 2004 04:05 PMI don't even know what any of these things do but it doesn't stop me from wanting them all! Thanks, Pixy!
Does this mean that we are all moving to MT3?
Posted by RP at November 9, 2004 05:23 PMYay! I have some reading to do to figure out a few of these. KoalaRainbow? FirstNWords? Oh my!
Posted by Nick Queen at November 9, 2004 06:35 PMRP, we'll be moving one blog at a time, I think. I'll move this weekend, and once that's done I'll have a better idea what's required.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 9, 2004 11:51 PMDocumentation!
We don't need no skinkin documentation!
Posted by Stephen Macklin at November 10, 2004 01:57 AMAfter having to go back and turn off all the comments on my old typepad site (which I have paid for thru January) the Conversation Killer sounds WONDERFUL!!! Thanks Pixy.
But will any of these fershlugginer plugins make blogs remember my info?!!!
Not one of those, but we have a couple of things to help us out there.
First up, TinyOrwell which is a replacement for TypeKey. See my post on MuNuKey.
Second up, I've installed MT3 under the mu.nu domain, rather than as a separate subdomain like blog.mu.nu. I think that this will allow cookies to work the way we want.
Posted by Pixy Misa at November 10, 2004 04:52 AMMy ignorance is not getting in the way of my excitement in the least! I mean, really, if I ever let it do that I'd probably never get excited about anything blog-related.
Thanks, Pixy!
Posted by RP at November 10, 2004 01:02 PM