February 04, 2005

Revised eBay Quest

If you haven't been to my site recently, you probably missed this. I have been asking for suggestions for what I should try to buy on eBay with an extra $50 I have sitting in my PayPal account. Well, I am changing the rules. My objective is no longer to buy myself some nice fun thing - and thanks to all who have offered suggestions - my plan now is to buy a present for Pixy Misa. So leave me a suggestion for what I should pursue in honor of the man who does so much for all of us. (and if you happen to know the address to ship it to, drop me an email)

The Pixy Misa Token Of Gratitude eBay Quest will begin 1 week from today.

Posted by Stephen Macklin at February 4, 2005 06:42 PM

Excellent idea!

Posted by Ted at February 4, 2005 07:42 PM

What do you buy for thr guy who has everything?

Posted by Tiger at February 7, 2005 05:13 PM

I'm hoping someone out there knows!

Posted by Stephen Macklin at February 7, 2005 06:41 PM

He should have a couple of rats. Barring that (shipment of live animals being not cool and all), Pixy needs his own Arisian Lens.

OK, I'm useless.

Posted by Victor and his seventeen pet rats at February 8, 2005 04:05 PM
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