I've gotten a couple of trackback spams and noticed that there aren't any email notices being sent. The main problem with that is that I don't know which post they pinged to, so I can't go in and delete the spam.
Any ideas on how to determine which post was targeted?
Posted by Ted at February 7, 2005 02:56 AMEmail notices should have arrived now. They're just being delayed a little because of our new spam filter process.
The best thing is to move to MT 3 (remember that?) MT 3 allows you to look at all the recent comments or trackbacks on your blog.
We'll be restarting the MT 3 wagon train this week.
Posted by Pixy Misa at February 7, 2005 03:28 AMHey, Pixy, feel free to add me to MT 3 whenever you care to do so. I don't really understand the differences between our current version and the new version, so I am prepared to just throw myself headlong into the change. Do whatever you need to do!
And thanks for everything!
Posted by RP at February 7, 2005 01:29 PMI had assumed that everyone was migrating to MT 3, and was just quietly waiting for it. Now it sounds like we have to ask?
You really need to work on those dictatorial skills if we're gonna take over the universe.
Posted by Ted at February 7, 2005 01:52 PMI'm having the same problem with trackback spam but I haven't gotten any email notices either.
Sign me up for MT3 please ;-)
Posted by gir at February 7, 2005 04:59 PMI just had my first experience with trackback spam and like Ted, I cannot locate which post it is attributed to.
Should I concern myself with it while I wait for MT 3.0 to get going??
Posted by Mad Mikey at February 8, 2005 12:35 AMI doubt you could get me to tell the differences, techno-wise, between MT 3 and a wheel of good cheddar, but if it's good enough for Pixy, it's good enough for me. Sign me up too, please.
Posted by LeeAnn at February 8, 2005 12:52 AMEveryone will be migrated, the only question is how and in what order.
And whether it will be televised.
Oh... televised.... yeah baby! Can't wait!
And I guess that answers my question about comment email.
Not that there was a real question... I figured we must be under a concerted assault because comment email is generally never a problem. (sorry I ramble to no real point when I'm tired)
I'm with RP, "feel free to add me to MT 3 whenever you care to do so. I don't really understand the differences between our current version and the new version, so I am prepared to just throw myself headlong into the change."
Go for it, I'm in.
SlagleRock Out!
Oh and televised would be interesting, LOL.
Posted by SlagleRock at February 8, 2005 07:08 PM