Typepad have a feature that displays the last 10 comments in the following format:
Username on post title
It's great for keeping track of whether you have any new comments or if anyone has commented on a long forgotten post.
Does Mu.Nu have this functionality? Please don't tell me it comes under $MTRecentComments$!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tris at May 10, 2005 10:48 AMYepsolutely!
From the manual:
For example, to display the 6 most recent comments made on any of the entries in your weblog, and sort them in reverse chronological order (most recent first), you can put the following into your Main Index Template:
<MTComments lastn="6" sort_order="descend">
<p><$MTCommentAuthor$> said:<br />
For each comment in the list of comments, the text and tags inside the container will be displayed. Each of the tags below are used to display a particular variable piece of a comment.
Posted by Pixy Misa at May 10, 2005 03:28 PMGreat, thanks!
(I knew I just had to wait for Oz to wake up
If any of you kids are keen:
<h3>Recent comments</h3>
<MTComments lastn="5" sort_order="descend">
<MTCommentEntry><br><a href = <$MTCommentURL$>><$MTCommentAuthor$></a> on <a href = "<$MTEntryPermalink$>#comments<$MTTrans phrase="Comments"$>"><$MTEntryTitle$>.</br>
And this site is awesome for MT tags (as well as Pixy)
Posted by Tilesey at May 10, 2005 09:32 PMSomeone needs to add this post to the useful thingys on the sidebar... That is all...
Posted by Madfish Willie at May 11, 2005 01:22 AM