I just moved from Blogger where you could delete a comment on a post. There doesn't seem to be that option on MT. Am I missing something?
Posted by Gary at September 3, 2005 02:25 PM | TrackBackMT gives you Godlike powers of deletion. No comment, ping or even post is safe from your destructive powers. MWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!
Um...yeah. Anyway, open the post for editing. Scroll down below the SAVE button area. All of the comments and pings on the post will be in sections down there. Check the box next to the comment(s) that you want to delete and click the DELETE button.
What's even more fun though is you can click on the comment itself instead of the checkbox. This opens it up for editing. The possibilities are endless at that point.
Posted by Jim at September 3, 2005 04:24 PMThanks, that's awesome. I even finally figured out how to ban IP addresses.
I'm going to have some fun with that "editing comments" think.