Does anyone know if we have the ability to post via email? I see Eric did not receive and comments on his post so should we take that as a no?
Posted by Sacramento Republicrat at January 10, 2006 02:29 AM | TrackBackI'm pretty sure that the answer is No. If I remember correctly there were odd issues with email posting and email subscriptions.
Posted by Jim at January 10, 2006 03:42 AMUm.
I'll have to take a little look around. There were some problems last time I tried to set it up.
Posted by Pixy Misa at January 10, 2006 05:01 AMIt would very cool if we had the ability to do it. I know they can at Blog*Spot, so if they can do it, I am sure Pixy can swing it.
How do you implement security (i.e. prevent anyone from posting to your blog) with email posting? Put a password in the text of the email?
Posted by David Boxenhorn at January 10, 2006 09:56 AMThe way it's done at blogsplat is that you choose a security password/phrase and it's implemented in a specific way into the email address for the posting. For example if you chose the password "cheese" you would send the email to something like "". Technically anyone you share this address with could post to your blog, I suppose.
Posted by caltechgirl at January 10, 2006 08:15 PMIt would be nice to be able to email in a post. I was really after a blog program that would run on Windows Pocket PC 2003 which is on my new HP iPAC. But, since I cannot find anyting that will run, I am forced to emailing the posts.
Posted by Sacramento Republicrat at January 11, 2006 02:15 AMIt seems to me that blog software for a PDA would be a natural. There's five different blogging apps out there for the Palm. I know that there aren't nearly as many Win Mobile developers and apps, but it still seems like there should be at least one. Unfortunately, Sac Republicrat, Ted of Rocket Jones, and I haven't been able to find anything that even hints at the existence of such an app existing.
So, for those in the same boat as Ted and Republicrat, email blogging is the solution.
Posted by Eric at January 11, 2006 08:55 PMOh, there are plenty of PDA blogging apps for the PocketPC, there just aren't any that I could make work. I've tried four (I think) and each looked abandoned at different stages of development.
Posted by Ted at January 11, 2006 11:07 PMWell now, the real problem is that there just aren't nearly as many active non-corporate developers for PocketPC. Palm has a large developer community and there is tons of freeware. It's one of the pluses to a Palm, all the available software, easily 3 times as much as for the PocketPC.
Posted by Eric at January 14, 2006 06:06 PMWhy stop there? Let's just uplink straight from our brains to the 'Net and be done with it! The singularity is approaching.
Posted by Eric at January 15, 2006 06:59 PM