Hi there! New Munuvian aboard! And one who is trying to figure stuff out :) Thus some hand holding may be in order, if anyone would be so kind and willing.
I am new to all of this and god knows the head is swimming just thinking about designing the site and trying to make it look like something more than a template... but that is another post.
So after searching the search function for Flickr and finding nada... what I am wondering is whether anyone here has experience using Flickr (I have a free account until I decide if I think it will work well) on a mu.nu blog? In particular how to post more than one Flickr photo in a blog entry (I have set Flickr up with my fidgetyknitting.mu.nu blog and tested to it with individual photos, which works- but would like to put up more)
Any ideas? Many Thanks!
Posted by Stinkerbell at January 11, 2006 12:16 PM | TrackBackI beat Flickr and made it bend to my will
You have to love it when you start having online conversations with yourself! Especially when you get paid by work to figure this shit out on their dime
For those of you who, like myself, are similarly technically incompetent (this from someone who has worked for the "Evil Empire"
here is the "short how to" of what to do with Flickr for posting.
Should you only want to put one image in your blog you can easily use Flickr's built in tool from that image ("blog this"). However, should you want to have a post with multiple images... you will have to do the work on your own.
Open up your MT and create your post. Once you have created your post, go to Flickr and click on the first image you want to insert. When there in the top bar choose the "all sizes" pick the size you would like to post to the blog. At the bottom of the page there is a box that has HTML code to paste. Go to the post in MT and place it where you would like it, apply the alignment tags ( etc) and then rinse, lather, repeat for all subsequent images. I would suggest previewing your post before you publish and then... VOILA c'est fait accompli!
Posted by stinkerbell at January 11, 2006 05:55 PM