Not that you probably don't already have enough to worry about, but I have noticed that trackbacks on a number of sites do not seem to be working. That is when I click on the their trackback link I get a 404. From my random testing it seems to happen for those of us using a pop up window for trackbacks - like Munuviana.
Posted by Stephen Macklin at June 9, 2006 02:46 AM | TrackBackI've been running into this problem -- a lot of folks complain they are unable to send me trackbacks and that even Wizbang's ping-thing doesn't work for them.
Posted by Rhymes With Right at June 9, 2006 01:36 AMDoh!
I was wondering why trackbacks had suddenly died.
The reason is: when the DDoS attack started, before I'd worked out what the problem is, I turned them off.
And then forgot to turn them on again.
Well, at least that was easy to fix.
Give it a couple of minutes, and then try pinging this post.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 01:53 AMPixy,
The trackback to this post worked but the one sent to the the top post on your site did not.
Posted by Stephen Macklin at June 9, 2006 02:15 AMBlup.
I'll check on that. My blog is on MT 3.2, so it shouldn't have the same problems, but it might have different problems.
Unfortunately, Snark lost all its stats, including the blacklist. It doesn't use MySQL, and it overwrote its file, so I don't have a recent backup.
I'll leave it down for a couple of hours so that it can collect data and start building a new blacklist.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 02:28 AMYeesh. I was thinkin' that it's about time for Blog War II, but this is rediculous!
@#$% Turkish bastages...
Posted by Tuning Spork at June 9, 2006 03:33 AMTrackbacks are down again. Problem is, we're getting hit with 50 trackbacks per second. Even though Snark can cope with that easily, Apache can't.
I'm going to look at upgrading to Apache 2.0 or 2.2. That's not officially supported under CPanel, but it apparently does work. 2.0 is multi-threaded and much faster and more memory-efficient than 1.3, which is what we're stuck on at the moment.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 12:38 PM