For some reason, Movable Type has started silently failing when rebuilding the static pages. That means that when someone leaves a comment, your blog might suddenly disappear.
If this has happened to you, log in to MT, go to Rebuild Site, and choose either Rebuild Indexes or Rebuild All. Just try not to do it all at once, or the system wil get sloooooow.
I've made some changes that I think will fix it, but they will take a couple of hours to take effect. (Yes, it involves DNS again.) I've also kicked off a rebuild of the main index of all our MT 2.6 blogs, and will repeat that every few minutes for the next couple of hours until I'm sure the problem is fixed.
We have *got* to get off Movable Type. I don't think this is MT's fault, but there are too many things that can go wrong when the intallation is the size ours is - and we can't upgrade.
By a strange coincidence, I start my new full-time job writing our new blogging system tomorrow. (Yeah, tomorrow's a Saturday. But if someone's willing to pay me to write a new blogging system that I can use for munu, I'll work Saturdays.)
Update: CRAP!!!!! It's still broken.
Update: Okay, it seems to be fixed now. Rebuild your blogs at leisure. Report any more problems in the comments.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 03:16 AM | TrackBackOkay, it *might* be fixed now, but I still have no idea what's gone wrong.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 03:57 AMI'm MIA -- and geting this comment.
Writing to '/home/grega/www/' failed: Opening local file '/home/grega/www/' failed: Permission denied
Posted by Rhymes With Right at June 9, 2006 03:58 AMI tried both methods, but no luck. My main page is totally blank as are my last two posts. But the older posts seem to be accessible individually.
Posted by annika at June 9, 2006 04:07 AMAnnika, I've had to switch everyone to a new version of Movable Type. Well, actually it's the same version, just a different copy of it.
Ace - and no-one else - was running a separate copy of MT. Ace - and no-one else - was working fine.
So I redirected everyone else to use Ace's copy of MT.
Only problem with that is it's on the other server, so it could take an hour or two for everyone to pick up the change.
In the meantime, I've kicked off a repeated automatic rebuild script.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 9, 2006 04:15 AMHi Pixy....having some strange things happening at my site as well, and hubby asked me to leave a comment for you.
No posts appearing, no skins/headers showing up and a lot of errors on the page....I'm on WP currently so not sure if there's something I should be doing from my end. Just let me know.
Hi Merri. Very strange. I had to restore your directory from backup. All the posts were fine, but all the skins and stuff had completely vanished.
I suspect they got overwritten when I was shuffling files back and forth. Sorry!
But fixed now.
Pixy, have you looked at .net NUKE? Open source content management system. Very robust. We're using it as a backbone for a new enterprise system and it's pretty impressive. I think native functionality covers most everything we'd need except trackbacks.
Posted by Jim at June 12, 2006 10:02 AMJiiiiim! It runs on Windows!
Sorry, non-starter I'm afraid. I have enough fun looking after Linux boxes with all the crap that lands on us; if we were running Windows servers we would have suffered a terminal meltdown 18 months ago.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 12, 2006 12:28 PMP.S. Minx is coming along very fast now. See my latest post.
Posted by Pixy Misa at June 12, 2006 12:29 PM