June 22, 2006

Help, I'm Drowning in Spam! (Updated)

I got back to inspect my emails for comments and found that I have about 1300 new comments, nearly all of which are spam! This brings up a few questions:

1. Is there a quick way to list all of the comments submitted, say, in the past month and then delete those determined to be spam? I noticed that there are a large number from one spammer, so can I add that email to a banned list?

2. How do I shut off comments, until I can figure out what to do about this? I've gone into the blog configuration menu and changed the "allow comments default" to "closed." Will that do it for my old posts as well as my new ones, or do I need to do something else?

3. What to do? Is there a way I can allow users to comment by having them use Typekey or go through some other sign in process? I guess Kansas doesn't live here anymore...

Update: Michele, could you email me [demosophia-at-gmail-dot-come]? I can't seem to find your address on your blog. Also, I can't seem to add a comment to this post. I get that same "up-phuqued" error message.

Posted by Demosophist at June 22, 2006 01:53 AM | TrackBack

I think I might have inadvertently deleted the comments to this post, because I didn't know that I had "permissions" to do so, and I deleted about 1400 at once thinking they were all on my blog. By the way, I apparently also have deletion privileges on the Jawa Report and Anticipatory Retaliation. Those tend to get in the way, because I don't want to delete comments in those blogs. Can I remove myself from the permissions list somehow, so that those posts aren't included by MT-Blacklist?

Posted by Demosophist at June 22, 2006 09:16 PM

Also, I'm still getting comment spam because I can't close comments on all of my posts at once, only future ones. Is there some way around this?

Posted by Demosophist at June 22, 2006 09:18 PM
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