June 22, 2006

Comments Upfucked, Still

I'm with Stevie. I have lawyers and guns, someone else will have to bring money if that's required. This is getting old. Is it still that fuckhead in Turkey?

Posted by Old Cloots at June 22, 2006 11:47 AM | TrackBack

No, it's not the fuckheads in Turkey.

If you blacklist a site, and there are square brackets in the URL - these critters: [ ] - then MT Blacklist will choke and die. But it doesn't know any better, and will let you add the item to the blacklist anyway.

I suspect that the spammers are doing this deliberately to mess up people who are using MT Blacklist. On the other hand, MT Blacklist has been discontinued and is completely unsupported now, so we have to stop using it anyway. But if I just turn it off, we'll drown in spam. 1300 spam comments a month? Wait till you're getting 1300 a day.

So I'm having to write a whole new comment system, which will be ready in a couple of days.

Posted by Pixy Misa at June 22, 2006 02:11 PM
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