By the power vested in me as a Munuvian, I hereby declare this July 4th, and all subsequent July 4ths, to be Munuvian Independence Day, to run concurrently with the U.S. celebration.
What business do I have, you may ask, declaring this when our benevlolent overlord, Pixy Misa, is an Aussie?
Because Pixy Misa knows freedom. I would dare say that Pixy cherishes freedom more than alot of us do.
Case in point: The Jawa Report. If I were running the show, I would've told Rusty to take a hike and pay for the hassle of the filthy Ottoman DDOS attacks with some other hosting company.
Not so our Pixy Misa, he went out of his way to not only allow us Jawas to continue to insult Islamotards, but to make sure all other Munuvians weren't spoiled by us bad apples.
This is freedom, folks. Pixy's brainchild embodies the very spirit that drove those people 230 years ago to sign that Declaration.
WHEREAS: With the power invested in beer money
WHEREAS: Said beer being duly consumed
WHEREAS: It has been repeatedly demonstrated that attacks from Islamotards, spammers, and various and sundry other Evil Perpetrators, including the Bastard 9 Days To Deliver A Server Hosting Company, do not deter our Pixy from strenously retaliating without thought of recompense
WHEREAS: The man has to endure our whining here, not to mention in email, and yet doesn't even delete the dead blogs, like Steal The Bandwagon, who quit a year ago
WE DECLARE: July 4th, of any year, to be Munuvian Independence Day, unless Pixy objects, of course, because we can do what we want, say what we want, and be whatever we want in Munuviana.
Can I get an amen hallelujah?
Oh, I almost forgot our official Munuvian Independence Day mascot:
Yay! And happy birthday, America! You don't look a day over 225!
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 4, 2006 11:19 AMThis would make Pixy the Thomas Jefferson of Munuviana. Or perhaps the Patrick Henry.
Either way it works for me.
Posted by Stephen Macklin at July 4, 2006 12:08 PMHear, hear!
I would submit Alexander Hamilton as the Founder that Pixy most resembles. He worked diligently, with great innovation and sacrifice, largely in the background, to make the great experiment of America a success.
Thank you, Pixy for your diligent, innovative, and sacrificial efforts on our behalf. If you are a typical Aussie, then America has a true and noble ally down under!
Posted by Dave at July 4, 2006 01:36 PMI would submit Alexander Hamilton as the Founder that Pixy most resembles. He worked diligently, with great innovation and sacrifice, largely in the background, to make the great experiment of America a success.
And then he got shot.
Can I be Benjamin Franklin instead? Only without spending all that time in France, if that's okay.
Posted by Pixy Misa at July 4, 2006 02:04 PMWell, if *WordPress* users are allowed to vote... heh
YAY!! Happy Munuvian Independence Day, ya'll.
I don't know what you look like, Pixy, but now my muddled image of you includes Franklin's oval specs and white locks. LOL!
Posted by pam at July 4, 2006 07:56 PMDefinitely a good time, as most days are, to thank the benevolent Pixy Misa for the hard work and diligence.
In the words of Wayne and Garth:
"We're not worthy! We're not worthy!"
Posted by Oorgo at July 4, 2006 08:06 PM