July 04, 2006

Pic A Color Any Color

As we look forward to the great Munuvian migration I have gone in search of tools to augment my meager template manipulation skills. I found a nfty piece of MAC freeware called Dragonfly 2.1.

Dragonfly is a color picker for web-developers. You can pick four different colors and see how they fit together. That makes it easier to find a nice color set for a website.

Of course dragonfly displays the colors as hexadecimal code so you can copy and paste it easily to your web-project.

Moreover Dragonfly features automatic color variation creation: you choose one color and Dragonfly gives you three additional variations of the color. And there is even a special selection tool for finding a text color that fits. When you've found your favorite colors you can save them so you always have them at your fingertips.

Posted by Stephen Macklin at July 4, 2006 11:33 PM | TrackBack
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