Update: I think it all worked, but due to the time taken - 18 hours for the main copy alone - and the need to test things, I'm going to put off the move until next weeked. The old servers are already paid for until the end of the month anyway, so I don't want to risk a screwup just to try to make it happen today instead of next Sunday.
But at least if the old servers suddenly explode, we have a full working copy of everything, ready to go.
Update: Okay, I've started copying stuff across. This takes a loooong time (12 or 15 hours), so what I'm doing is two passes - an initial copy, and then an update of anything that's changed while the copy was running. You can keep right on posting and commenting while the copy is going, up until the time comes for me to switch everything across.
More news as it happens! :)
Hi everyone.
We will be moving to new servers this Sunday, the 1st of October. I'm working to minimize the downtime, but there will be at least a couple of hours where people might get sent to the old servers instead of the new ones.
This should fix all of the problems we've been having lately. We've had some network glitches and hardware problems, but the main thing that's making life difficult is the mess created when I was trying to recover from the DDoS attacks back in June. I had to move everyone from one server to the other, and back again, and in some cases back to the other one. CPanel didn't like that a whole lot, which left us with problems with CPanel itself, email, and web statistics.
The easiest way to fix all this is just to get a new server with a not-messed-up copy of CPanel, and that's exactly what I've done.
The new servers are a bit faster, though not a lot, but they come with more bandwidth and a better network.
Once we are happy on the new servers, I'll open things up for new munus again. I haven't really added anyone since everything went kerplooie in June, so we have a bit of a waiting list.
On another note, we're planning to launch The New Site in late November. This is a commercial blogging-and-other-stuff site, using software I'm developing. The same software will be used to run mu.nu, eventually replacing Movable Type and Wordpress (and CPanel and Awstats and everything else).
You don't have to make the move to the new software right away; everyone will be able to choose if and when they are ready. And you'll have a lot of input into how it develops.
Regardless, mu.nu will remain independent. The new site will have ad-supported and paid options, but that doesn't mean anything to mu.nu. Your sites keep going just as before, but with shiny new software. I will be looking at creating a link between the sites to allow Munuvians and Newsiters to share stuff easily, as long as that doesn't put any restrictions on mu.nu.
I'm hoping to give each munuvian a bunch of invites to hand out for free "paid" accounts on the new site; I have to get that past the money peeps, but I think they'll go for it.
I have a couple more things to clean up first, but I start working full time on the new site from Wednesday of next week. That was supposed to happen in July, but I got run over by a bus. :(
Posted by Pixy Misa at September 30, 2006 02:44 AM | TrackBackOOOOHHHH!!! Shiny new servers. I love new toys.
Hope all goes smoothly on Sunday. You deserve to have at least that go right after the last few months.
Posted by Teresa at September 27, 2006 07:41 PM.. thank you, Sir... you are doing an outstanding job...
Thank you again for all you do, Pixy... I can't say it enough. Glad you're feeling better, too.
Will there [eventually] be an import feature for MT or WP to Minx?
Posted by pam at October 1, 2006 10:07 PMI already have an import feature for MT, and I'll definitely be doing one for WP. And Blogger too, and as many other systems as I can.
Next time you get run over by a bus let us know... send up a flare or something. Maybe we'll even stop bye and give you flowers.
Posted by Michele at October 2, 2006 04:33 PM