I don't know if this has happened to anyone else... and it's certainly not earthshakingly bad or in need of instant fix, but if you could figure out what's going on eventually and let me know Pixy, that would be cool.
Several places on my blog posts - like the brackets around my category and next to the "show comments" extension, have an A with a thing over it rather than the "greater than" "less than" signs. I did a rebuild of indexes, but that didn't change anything, so I assume the problem lies elsewhere. If I paid some attention to blog software, I'd probably be able to figure it out - but I don't, so I can't.
When you have a spare moment or two, give it a look.
Thanks much. BTW - smooth move as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by Teresa at October 8, 2006 04:49 PM | TrackBackI've got a case of the squiggley's at my blog too. Its all over all my posts. I rebuilt and it didn't help...
Posted by Bou at October 8, 2006 09:39 PMYes, we have quite a few of these. I need to hunt them down and fix them.
Posted by Pixy Misa at October 8, 2006 10:31 PMMy blog has the same problem. Even some apostrophes and such in some of my quoted material now seem to have weird three-character substitutions.
Posted by USADave at October 9, 2006 07:05 PMForget the apostrophe remark on my previous comment. That was my bad, and I didn't realize it. However, my "Show Comments" link that, when clicked, lists the comments below the post, has an "A" with a little chevron on top of it. The funny thing is, is that is in the template like that, but I has never displayed like that until the server switch this past weekend. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it used to be. Phin was the one who actually did the website design, so he probably knows what that is supposed to be. I'll check with him as soon as I can.
Posted by USADave at October 9, 2006 07:14 PM