I have noticed that the RSS feed for my blog doesn't use html and also doesn't include linefeed etc. Is it the RSS templates that have to be changed, and if so can someone give me an idea on what to change it to?
Thanks ever so muchly in advance!
Posted by Oorgo at May 11, 2005 09:04 PMYes, you can change the templates to produce RSS any way you like. I have a full-html version I use to replicate my blog into a web forum, and I'll post that here as soon as I have a moment.
Posted by Pixy Misa at May 11, 2005 11:57 PMHere's my full-html RSS template (hope this posts okay in the comments...)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="<$MTPublishCharset$>"?>
<rss version="2.0"
<title><$MTBlogName remove_html="1" encode_xml="1"$></title>
<description><$MTBlogDescription remove_html="1" encode_xml="1"$></description>
<dc:creator><MTEntries lastn="1"><$MTEntryAuthorEmail$></MTEntries></dc:creator>
<dc:date><MTEntries lastn="1"><$MTEntryDate format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"$><$MTBlogTimezone$></MTEntries></dc:date>
<admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource="http://www.movabletype.org/?v=<$MTVersion$>" />
<MTEntries lastn="175" offset="6">
<title><$MTEntryTitle remove_html="1" encode_xml="1"$></title>
<link><$MTEntryLink encode_xml="1"$></link>
<description><$MTEntryBody encode_xml="1" convert_breaks="0"$></description>
<guid isPermaLink="false"><$MTEntryID$>@<$MTBlogURL$></guid>
<dc:subject><$MTEntryCategory remove_html="1" encode_xml="1"$></dc:subject>
<dc:date><$MTEntryDate format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"$><$MTBlogTimezone$></dc:date>
Hmm. You'll want to change this line:
<MTEntries lastn="175" offset="6">
To something more like:
<MTEntries lastn="10">
I had it that way for a specific reason, and forgot to change it back.